When to Prune Herbs
/this curled parsley is growing new stems after being “pruned” by caterpillars. (charlotte ekker wiggins photo)
“…my Mom gave me a large potted herb garden. When do I prune them? The basil is getting tall and starting to fall over…” — Melissa
When to Prune Herbs
Hi Melissa,
How wonderful that your Mom gave you a potted herb garden. There’s nothing quite like adding fresh herbs to your cooking.
Actually you will be “pruning” your herbs as you use them. Pinch the leaves you want to use above the next set of leaves and the plant will grow new, and bushier growth.
Since some herbs are butterfly food, you may also find some leaves disappearing as butterfly caterpillar food. No need to panic, the plant will recover.
harvesting basil keeps the plants bushy and growing new leaves. (charlotte ekker wiggins photo)
Besides when you are immediately using the herbs, you will next prune herbs when you are collecting them to dry and freeze them. It’s best to do that before herbs bloom to preserve the best herb flavor.
My herbs in USDA Hardiness zone 5 don’t bloom until mid-summer. I let some bloom to feed my bees and harvest the rest prior to blooming for my winter use.
One note about rosemary. Harvest the soft stems; don’t cut into the base or the woody growth.
And one other thought. Why not ask your Mom? I bet she may appreciate having fresh herbs and may even share recipes for all those herbs you now have growing!