Recycled Pussy Willows
/Recycled Pussy Willows
I have always wanted to add these charming perennials to my garden but just never found them on sale.
This sprig came from a cut down bush dropped off at our local recycling center, the branches still fresh and green. Worth a try to get them rooted, especially since now I have a place where I can put them safely away from curious cat paws looking for a new play toy.
Many shrub branches can be started like this. Cut the branch about 8 inches long with a 45-degree clean angle cut and remove any greenery that will be under the soil.
I added a little root cutting stimulator, make a small hole in the damp potting soil and added the pussy willow branch. I added several in case not all of them take but I am told these plants are easy to root. Once I know they have started, I will move them into individual pots.
Pussy willows are one of the first flowering trees in late winter and early spring. Having more pollen sources in my garden for my bees will help them have more food sources at a time when little is available.
These can also be rooted in a jar of water but I had the extra potting soil available.
In another 4 weeks or so, I will peek to see if the roots have started.