Apricot Trees in Bloom
/My compact dwarf apricot tree in bloom almost a month earlier than usual.
Apricot Tree in Bloom
I have them all over my one-acre hillside gardens, compact dwarf fruit trees instead of ornamental ones. I have planted them for years in the middle of garden beds, in part for color, in other part for the fruit provided I can beat squirrels to it.
These trees provide regular-sized fruit on short stock so they are easy to pick. I have small paths that lead up to the trees for easy access.
I love the rich pink color of the compact apricot trees against the rich green of the vinca.
This year, the apricot trees are blooming earlier than usual by about 3 weeks. These two rich, dark pink, flower-covered trees lead to my small herb garden. One is shorter than the other courtesy of visiting deer that trimmed one tree shorter than the other one.
The blooms were particularly thick this year.
Compact dwarf apricot tree should be ready to set fruit this year.
As I was photographing the flowers, I wondered if my honeybees had paid a visit. A movement out of the corner of my eye answered the question as a pollen-ladden bee landed on a nearby flower.
One of my honeybees visits the compact dwarf apricot tree blossoms.
Hopefully this will be a good year for fruit yields from these trees courtesy of my bees.