2017 Phelps County Master Gardener Core Course Registration Open
/Print this form off and register for the spring 2017 core course to be a master gardener.
2017 Phelps County Master Gardener Core Course Registration Open
I can still remember how excited I was about getting ready to register for this first master gardener class. It was not that long ago, although wanting to be a master gardener had been on my to do list for much longer.
What I enjoyed about these series of University of Missouri gardening courses was that they were Missouri-specific, had very practical applications and I could go home and apply the information in my own garden.
My favorite class was the one on soils, an intricate world I knew was fundamental but never suspected was so fascinating. To this day when someone tells me something is not growing well I start looking first at how they are treating their soils.
The other aspect of these classes I enjoyed was getting to know my classmates. Some were attending classes as the foundation for businesses they had always wanted to pursue; others were tired of not getting anything to grow and wanted to cure their black thumbs, and yet even more wanted Missouri-specific recommendations on what varieties to grow. I'm not positive but I do believe our class still holds the record for keeping the Mountain Grove Fruit Experiment Station lecturer the longest after class discussing blueberry, strawberry and raspberry varieties to plant.
Once these classes are completed, students volunteers for 30 hours in approved projects to become a certified master gardener, contributing back to their communities in a variety of ways from teaching to designing gardens.
The deadline to register for this spring 2017 class is Thursday, February 23. Cost is $150. Contact University of Missouri Phelps County Extension, 200 North Main, Rolla, Mo. (573) 458-6260.