Garden Terrace Wall
/Finished garden terrace wall corner facing the house. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Garden Terrace Wall
My southern garden now has a garden terrace wall that will provide an easier planting area, connect this space to the rest of my garden making it more easily accessible and holding in soil. When one gardens on a limestone hillside, keeping soil in one place is a huge consideration.
This garden terrace wall has another benefit. It is repurposing wood from a house deck we had to tear down a couple of years ago. Because it would take too much time to separate the adjoining boards, my handyman suggested we use them as is for the garden wall.
The garden terrace is longer and deeper away from the house. It basically expands an existing garden bed in a relatively flat space. Oh joy!
The right side of the garden terrace wall away from the house. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
The new garden terrace wall also makes use of rotted cedar posts on the most southern wall, which i will paint to treat the wood.
Inside the wall I am adding tree trunks and limbs to establish a wood base that will retain water. Once the bottom is full of wood, top soil will go in finished by wood chip mulch.
Garden terrace wall corner farthest away from the house. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Here is the long view of the garden terrace wall where the tree trunks are going in. Old tree trunks, visible to the left, have worked well maintaining moisture in the old flower bed to the left.
I am filling the terrace wall with tree trunks to absorb water. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
We also repurposed an old set of stairs, now connecting the garden paths through my garden at the bottom of the terrace wall.
Don’t worry about the bee hives and leaving concrete blocks on the left, all will be settled back into their spaces once we have the tree trunks in the terrace wall.
Steps now greet me at the bottom of the long garden path. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
This has also opened up this new garden area for not only planting but just enjoying the space. I can easily now sit on the edge to work the soil and watch the bees.