Hello, Summer!
/A bumblebee visits gooseneck loosestrife in bloom at Bluebird Gardens.
Hello, Summer!
Not complaining but summer is finally here. Whew. It's been a long spring after a record mild winter; it was so mild, my honeybees had consumed their winter honey supplies by Christmas flying around looking for something to do. In the past, cold temperatures kept them clustered inside the hive, consuming very little honey until maybe early February.
With the mild winter, spring was almost a month early this year.
Spring 2017 marked the first year in decades I had tulips blooming at Bluebird Gardens.
Tulips kept me company for the first time in decades, a last minute splurge purchase last fall when I wanted to celebrate getting my driveway retaining wall with planting beds finished. Deer have made fast snacking of tulips in years past so I haven't bothered to plant them until last fall.
With a nice spring rainy season came good conditions for plant growth. Plants in pots that wintered over inside, including tropical hibiscus and geraniums, quickly recovered and started to bloom.
My honeybees pollinated compact fruit trees and flower beds, so far giving me one of the best honey seasons so far since I started beekeeping. It's been a fun spring with queen-right bee colonies keeping me company in the garden.
This was also the year I systematically mulched all of my garden paths so they are relatively level and safe to walk on. When gardening on a hillside, that is no small feat since paths match the hillside angle unless one deliberately alters the layout. It's a pleasure now to meander through the flower beds without fear of slipping down the hill along with the strawberry plants.
There's more to do. There is always something more that needs to be done but I will take a few minutes to savor what I have done so far.
Not for long. I love this sign I saw recently, it epitomizes summer:
If you have time to read this, you have time to weed.