Runaway Cucumbers
/My cucumbers are growing in pots on the second floor deck facing west.
Runaway Cucumbers
I was walking around my garden one morning and, at the top of the hill, I spotted my cucumbers trying to run away.
Actually they weren't running, they were more like meandering out of their deck pots and making a relatively leisurely track down the deck.
This was my first year to grow cucumbers from seeds in my pot garden, or my vertical deck garden for those people who look quizzically at me when I call it a pot garden. I grow only vegetables and some herbs but calling it a pot garden offers some exciting possibilities.
Both cucumber plants are outgrowing their pots and need more support.
When I checked the deck, the cucumber plants had definitely wound their way around the small white trellises in each pot and moved over the railing. Or in the case of one of the plants, through the side of the railing.
For next year, I will have to use larger trellises to keep the cucumber plants happy.
Duly noted!