Busy Gardener
/My beekeeping friend David hand-carried this lovely porcelain cup for me from a visit to England.
It's been an unexpectedly busy spring 2016. After retiring from my full time job December 31, 2015, I had this, now apparently quite silly idea that I would be living the leisurely life.
One of my goals over my work years was to sleep in, something I have yet to do. Not that I am complaining, if the day is sunny and warm and I don't have some meeting to attend or deadline to meet, I am out in my garden.
Well, first I am in a neighbor's garden. I have permission from the new property owner. Their plan is to bring in a bull dozer and turn over the soil so grass can be planted. In the meantime, I am digging up basically a 50-year plus garden, trying to save everything I can identify, and even some things I can't.
It would probably have worked better if they had just cleared up the property and left the basically flower garden intact with only paths to mow but then the site would have looked like my house. I like not having to mow, it leaves me more time to play with my bees and grow things I can eat.
Half of the dug up plants are now at my house; the other half are at another nearby beekeeping friend's house. Knowing how much Tom likes to plant, I invited him to help me dig and split the plants with him. We don't worry too much about who has what plant because we know where each other lives. It's enough for now that we saved most of the plants.
Thanks goodness for the excuse to stop long enough to break-in my new teacup. Now the planting starts, again.
What to plant, what to plant....