Best Plant Tags
/This plant tag is identifying a dwarf Gala apple tree on my hillside. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Best Plant Tags
Over the years I’ve used a variety of ways to identify plants. Cutting up old window blinds works well using an indelible marker pen but they don’t look very nice. Instead I now use these easy to write on metal tags.
These easy to use tags require only a ballpoint pen. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
These metal tags easily hold up to a variety of weather conditions without damaging the dwarf fruit trees where I hang them.
I also have them on some key trees like Theodore the dogwood tree that took a couple of decades before growing much height.
Impress-O-Tags can be used for anything that needs to be identified. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
I’ve had these tags for a number of years and don’t recollect where I first found them.
They work well for a variety of uses, not just plant identification.