"Coral Charm" Peonies
/This salmon coral color is eye-catching in all stages of bloom. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
“Coral Charm” Peonies
I finally found the name for these fascinating, color-changing peonies, “Coral Charm.”
The peonies were a gift from another garden, typical of most of the plants i have. i usually know what kind of plant it is but rarely the color.
One morning, as i was making my daily garden walk, the bud color startled me. I’m used to pink, white an burgundy peonies, not a peach-colored one.
“Coral Charm” peonies in bud form before they bloom. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
There was delicious anticipation every morning as I watched this peony open. Once it was fully open, it then made a second change. As the petals faded, so did the color.
Coral Charm peonies as their coral color starts to fade to white. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
My garden is a mix of natives and traditional garden plants. It was fun to have several plants blooming this spring for the first time, then even more fun researching to identify them.
If you’re wanting “Coral Charm” peonies in your garden, now you can shop for them by name.