Keeping Cut Lilacs Fresh
/Old-fashioned lilacs are a spring favorite but they don't always cooperate in a vase.
Whether they are hybrids or the old-fashioned variety, lilacs grow on thick, sturdy stems that need a little help. Some recommend hammering the cut end so water can more easily keep the stems hydrated. I have tried but I managed to smash my fingers more than the stems.
As an alternative, I cut the end off with scissors every couple of days. Sometimes I cut straight across, other times I have angled the cut. Not sure it made much of a difference in term of direction but cutting the stems did rehydrate lilac stems I would have otherwise composted.
Once refreshed, it will take a short time for the lilacs to plump right back up.
A sprig of old-fashioned lilacs keep a sprig of geraniums company on my den's coffee table.
So pretty!