Guess What Time It Is...
"Oh how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin.... We anxiously anticipate it every year. "
~Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, October 2010
Of all the vegetables that come out of a fall garden, one stands out to me above the rest. Or maybe I should say it sprawls below.
Pumpkins, a member of the squash family, bring in the fall holidays, starting with Jack O' Lanterns for Halloween. Pumpkins that make it through all those little trick or treaters become one of the highlights of Thanksgiving as a pie and baked side dish.
Left over pumpkin gets recycled in the next holiday as a Christmas cookie. Pumpkin seeds get roasted and salted as a snack.
What other ways do you use pumpkin, do you have a favorite recipe?