Learn About Pollinators
/Bumblebee on New England Asters are one of the many food pollinators. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Learn About Pollinators
Want to learn how to make a difference about the decline of birds and other pollinators?
Missouri’s Master Pollinator Steward program will be held in Jefferson City, Mo. starting November 4, 2019. The six-course program will be held on Mondays at the Cole County Extension Center and Thursdays at Runge Nature Center from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Cost is $90 per person.
The program includes information on native bees, honey bees,
Online registration is open at http://www.cvent.com/d/xyqh3h. Alternatively, the extension center can take registration. Call 573-634-2824 (M-F 8AM to 4:30PM) or Coleco@missouri.edu (M-F 8AM to 4:30PM).
You can also host a program in your area, here’s how.
I was among the 11 authors who developed this program, which has won national awards and was featured in my April 11, 2019 TEDx talk at Misssouri S&T on why bugs matter. There are things we can all do to make our world a healthier place, this course is a good place to start!